понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

5 questions about mixed feeding

According to statistics, only 5% of the mothers suffer гипогалактией (illness, in which produced very little milk) and really can't fully satisfy the needs of the infants in the diet. Overwhelming majority of women on all indicators of the hormonal system must have adequate for the newborn child quantity of milk... But it is a theory. In practice, unfortunately, it happens differently.

1. When you feeding?

Sometimes to the mixture have already in the first days after the birth of the crumbs. This need is justified in the following situations:

rhesus-conflict (with complications);
the birth of the twins;
delivery with great loss of blood;
a cesarean section;
pathological delivery;
early rapid delivery.
During the stay in the maternity hospital of serious problems with lactation has not been observed? Well, we are sincerely happy for you! Just be sure to ask a specialist, as further support breastfeeding (the main thing - not to worry, eat well, rest). Your milk for the crumbs indispensable.

The mixture is injected, if my mother was in the hospital, she had a deep anemia, aggravation of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, fever or breast abscess.

2. What have we for lunch?

Before buying a mixture, you should consult with the doctor. Think, this rule applies only to children, which are fully in artificial feeding? It is not so! It refers to the situation with докормом. Do not act on their own discretion, and turn to the pediatrician, which oversees the crumbs with the birth and knows about all your problems.

Little prone to allergies? The doctor will advise you hypoallergenic diet. Thanks to расщепленному squirrel such a mixture is well absorbed, does not cause problems with digestion. And its specific, slightly bitter taste of the later will make the child are much more likely to make a choice in favor of a sweet baby milk.

Mom took antibacterial drugs? If the boy started having problems with the digestive tract, you need to use mixture with probiotics. Kroha well? Suitable standard power, which corresponds to its age.

3. From the chest to refuse?

If you're really going to feed the crumbs chest, it is worth to take care that the baby from her not refused. For this it is very important to introduce supplementary feeding. In no case do not let the mixture of Breasts! Only with a spoon (or a pipette)! But in order to satisfy сосательного reflex, as it will be possible, try to add крохотулю to the chest often.

4. Whether or not to give water?

According to nutritionists, child, which is located in a mixed feeding (is and infant milk, and adapted mixture), as well as грудничок, absolutely no need for additional drink. After all, in such a situation, he receives a relatively small volume of the mixture. Only in special cases (the baby is sick, he has high temperature, the heat in the street, baby sweats, constantly naughty) can be offered water - boiled, bottled child.

The volume of the portion of the liquid is strictly individual, but in the first four months of life rarely exceed 100-150 ml of water per day.

5. Milk is not lost?

With the introduction of the wrong mix - with the help of the Breasts and bottles - there is a risk that pipsqueak completely refuses the breast, lactation, unfortunately, will stop. This happens with many... Why? Yes, because easier «to secure a livelihood», press sponges on silicon, rubber Mat, thanks to which, immediately opens the hole in the соске, where flowing liquid. Much more difficult to achieve such a result in the mother's breast, while the milk will pass through the ducts, have pretty work. Here and lazy our kids, try a more easy way. With mixed feeding do so, if neither the Breasts, or a bottle does not exist! Then tot will be eagerly waiting when you make it to the chest. And to milk not lost and came and came, and follow our advice.

Increase the frequency latch. Remember: the demand gives rise to the offer! The more milk the baby sucked, the more it will arrive.
In order to increase the production of milk, try to eat right and drink plenty of fluids.
Twice a day take a contrast shower. It promotes active development of milk in the breast.
It seems that jelly is practically no? Still feed the child first chest and only then mixture, but in any case not on the contrary!
When you have no possibility to put the crumbs to the chest, сцеживай milk. To ease the task, use the mechanical or electrical a pump. Current models do not cause pain.
- Carry the baby in her arms. When he does and even cries, your body responds: the Breasts swell up, jelly begins to arrive.
Keep quiet, peaceful state. Believe that you will breastfeed her child. And know: communicate! Don't even think about any difficulties! In pursuance of these recommendations, gradually you'll be able to establish a full-fledged breastfeeding and to refuse from the mixture.
On materials of magazine "baby Food" №3

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