понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

8 вещей, которым стоит обучить малыша до годика

Хотите, чтобы малыш вырос самостоятельным и уверенным в себе человеком? Помогите ему в этом! Всё закладывается с раннего детства. 
1. Занимать себя
Психологи советуют, что малышу с самого раннего возраста необходимо время от времени играть в одиночестве. Достаточно 10-15 минут в день. Младенец рассмотрит все вокруг, переберет погремушки, построит башенки из кубиков. И у вас, дорогие мамочки, будет несколько свободных минуток заняться собой. Но оставляй малыша одного лишь тогда, когда он спокойно занимается своим делом. 
2. Спускаться с кровати
Научите малыша не только быть осторожным, когда он ползет по краю кровати, но и объясните, покажите, как с нее спускаться: сначала развернуться попой, потом, свесив ножки, стать на пол. Пара тренировок - и он усвоит урок. 
3. Пользоваться ложкой
В годик малыш достаточно развит, чтобы без посторонней помощи пользоваться ложкой, поэтому нужно постепенно приучать его есть самостоятельно. Даже если вы ребенка кормите, нужно во время кормления давать ему в руку ложку, и не стоит забирать ее и сердиться, если малыш пачкается в процессе еды, ведь не все сразу получается. 
4. Пить из чашки (поильника)
Если у малыша никак не получается пить из чашки, начните осваивать поильник. Моделей множество. Выберите ту, что сделана из безопасного материала. Поильник должен  быть легким, а его цвет - нравится ребенку. 
5. Понимать слово «нельзя»
Чтобы малютка спокойно реагировал на запреты, ограничений не должно быть слишком много. Проявляй строгость в те моменты, когда он направляется к опасному объекту: розетке, плите,окну. Если без конца повторять «нельзя», очень скоро карапуз пепестанет реагировать на это слово. 
6. Звать маму
Младенец позовет маму криком или плачем. После полугода без этого можно обойтись. Попроси мужа во время игры с сыном или дочкой позвать тебя: «Мама!». 
7. Быть вежливым
Годовалый малыш должен уметь махать ручкой «пока-пока», когда кто-то уходит. Главное, этому учить! В 8-10 месяцев ребенок способен не только сказать «дай», но и кивнуть головой в знак благодарности. Для успеха начатого дела вы сами регулярно показывайте крохе пример. 
8. Снимать одежду по приходу с улицы
Войдя в дом, малыш должен понимать, что следует тут же снять обувь и верхнюю одежду. Не позволяй ему одетому и в ботинках идти в комнату. Здорово если в коридоре папа повесит вешалку на уровне роста малыша. Ребенка нужно учить уважать мамин труд. Даже в этом возрасте.

How much the child should sleep?

In the first months of the life of the order of the day of the child directs the appetite. As soon as he wants to eat, immediately wakes up. And after, falling asleep again. The older he gets, the less sleep. Now the feeling of hunger is not the only reason for waking. The little man there is a lot of interest. And put him to sleep more difficult. But you must remember that the crumbs necessary.
Owl or a lark?
For you the whole problem to get up early, but a book you can read until late at night. So you're a hundred percent owl and do you know how hard to live and work in this mode. So you want to crumb went to bed early and get up. Then there was a morning person. Keep in mind, that the biological rhythm is laid in childhood. In your power to make a baby early risers. But do not try to forcibly put him to bed and Wake up at 6 : 00am. Better build his regime so that the baby, after playing for the day, in the evening instantly fell asleep. Then in the morning he would get up early.

Everything is Vice versa
The kid came from a world where there is no day and night. Therefore be not surprised, if crumb them confused. This happens also because of the fact that the babies ' brain works the same actively and during rest, and when he is awake. Surely you noticed that sometimes the sleeping child you can safely move to the bed, and sometimes he wakes up, even when you correct him a blanket. It depends on deep or surface phases of sleep. In newborns surface phase of the main. The kids are older it becomes in short: they sleep soundly, rarely Wake up and not confuse day and night. And adult prevails deep. Phase during the night alternate: 1.5 hours of deep sleep, 40 - 50 minutes surface. During our consciousness is not switched off completely, and we have dreams. But deep sleep passes without any dreams and perfectly restores strength.
Gradually, the child will begin to discern the time of day. Help him in this. Day filled with interesting activities: walks, play. In the evening sing him a song, put a number of favorite toy, turn on the night-light. Let it be the signal: the day ended, the night came.

Before sing a lullaby
The newborn to sleep quite quickly. But the two-year old often refuses to sleep. How can you close your eyes, when there are so many interesting?! Make it so, that little stomp to my crib with pleasure and fell asleep quickly. The day if he had all the time in the movement, then in the evening to offer occupation calmer. The incident, kid longer sleeps: spinning, capricious, crying. Look «Good night, kids!». Or paint pictures.

The fresh air of the baby sleep very well. The body is saturated with oxygen. Walk for a child older is active games with friends. Go on out! Baby will spend a lot of energy. In the evening you won't have time and the finish, as he falls asleep.

Gradually train the crumbs to the right of the daily routine. The baby after a year of particularly important to observe mode. If a child is long sleep during the day, the evening calm down did not immediately. And too short NAPs (or lack of it) can lead to the over stimulation of the nervous system.

Growing up in a dream
Children do not listen to the advice of pediatricians, and so they do not know how many hours to sleep. Each child its type, its needs. They are determined by the type of his temperament and many other factors. And all the same, depending on the age, crumbs need a certain number of hours for full-fledged rest. If he is sleeping very badly, constantly waking up, is restless, show him to a specialist.

0 - 2,5 months
In the day the baby can sleep from 17,5 to 19 hours. As a rule, he usually wakes up after 3 hours. But everyone has his own «будильничек». Your baby is sleeping long and hard? Don't Wake him, to feed. He feels his time. At first pipsqueak equally frequently wakes up at night and day. But nature takes its course, and already on the 2-th month of sleep a night becomes longer.
Day dream: 4 times for 1,5 - 2 hours.

2,5 - 5 months
In this age, he rests from 16.5 to 17 hours. Now she'll Wake up less frequently. Falls asleep he was about 22-23 hours, twice requires attention at night. And finally rises to 5 - 6 in the morning.
Day dream: 3 times for 1,5 - 2 hours.

5 - 9 months
From 15.5% to 16.5 hours - daily norm of sleep for the boy. The main dream he had last night. The baby is sleeping so soundly, that refuses to feeding.
Day dream, 2-3 times for 1,5 - 2 hours.

9 - 12 months
The child sleeps less of 14.5 to 15.5 hours a day. It is in this age is changing the attitude of the baby to sleep. Before to go to sleep, it was enough to eat. Now it is otherwise. Lying in bed, he leaves an interesting game. And someone like that? To little calmed down and fell asleep faster, sing him a song or read a fairy tale.
Day dream: 2 times. 2,5 and 2 hours.

12 - 18 months
Baby enough rest of 13.5 - 14.5 hours. The life he has become more saturated. He moves a lot, and therefore, more tired and falls asleep faster. The child may refuse to sleep in the evening. For example, wants to wait for the work with the Pope. Sometimes let him go later, because for the crumbs so important a good emotional state.
Day dream: 2 times. 2,5 - 2 and 2 - 1.5 hours.

18 months - 2 years
A child's dream is 12,5 - 13,5 hours. The Central nervous system becomes more durable, so he can stay awake longer.
Day dream: 1 time. 2,5 - 3 hours.

2 - 3 years
Night baby sleeps - 12 - 12,5 hours. It is in this age, he begins to see and understand dreams. Good or bad, depends on how the crumbs day. Nightmares in children is most often experiences events. Therefore, if a little one night began to cry, don't wait until it stops. Be sure to come and comfort.
Day dream: 1 time. 2 - 2.5 hours.

Do not let mistakes
1. Putting baby to sleep, try not to be nervous. Because of scarce great feeling your mood. Be kind and calm. Believe me, this will affect the child. Forget also about the method of «покричит and sleep». Not responding to weeping, and give you to understand the child, to it at you do not expect.
2. In the evening, prepare for everything that may be necessary crumbs night. Then you can give me a bottle or change a diaper on the first request of the baby.
3. Don't let the crumbs of sleeping pills. The weak can later cause problems with sleep. Better ask a doctor what herbal tea brew for the night.
4. Sleep in the same bed with the parents of the rehabilitated. Do not think that you разбалуешь baby, allowing her to lie down beside her. Crumbs so sleep well about the mother. Yes, and you rest much better.
5. Do not leave the baby of one of the houses, even if he is fast asleep. After all, he could Wake up at any moment and be afraid, not seeing you next.

Здравствуй, малыш! Что делать с новорожденным

А вот и я!

«Первый миг – он важный самый» – эта фраза отображает всю уникальность момента появления ребенка на свет. Нужно, чтобы знакомство с новым миром прошло в максимально теплой и уютной обстановке.
Во-первых, новорожденного сразу же положат маме на грудь. Для него это самое лучшее место во всей Вселенной!

Во-вторых, кроху согреют. Существует понятие «тепловая цепочка». Это значит, что температура, с которой малыш родился, не должна резко снижаться. Нельзя допустить, чтоб он замерз. Именно поэтому на ребенка тут же наденут носочки, шапочку и укроют его вместе с мамой теплым одеялом.

Два часа в родзале

Что такое два раза по 60 минут? В обычной жизни они могут тянуться очень долго. Но только не тогда, когда мама впервые встречается со своим малышом. Она любуется им, гладит пухленькие щечки, шепчет слова любви и благодарности... Как здорово, что современные мамочки переживают эти незабываемые мгновения!
Женщина вместе с крохой находится в родзале, врачи лишь изредка заходят, чтобы узнать об их самочувствии.
Именно в эти минуты ребенок адаптируется в новых условиях жизни, а у его мамы запускается материнский инстинкт.

К концу отведенного времени неонатолог проведет с малюткой все необходимые манипуляции: взвесит, измерит рост, осмотрит пупок. Пришла пора переезжать в палату.

Три дня в роддоме

Но случается, что маму выписывают из роддома даже чуть раньше. Обычно срок пребывания не превышает трех суток.

Именно в эти дни и придется многое вспомнить и еще большему научиться: прикладывать малыша к груди, одевать и раздевать его, менять подгузники, ухаживать за пупком. Поначалу будет немного страшно. Но пройдет несколько часов – и мама станет мастером на все руки.

Если что-то не получается или возникают сомнения в правильности действий, обязательно обратись за помощью к персоналу роддома. Опытные соседки-роженицы тоже могут дать дельные советы.

Не нужно бояться и стесняться! Мама – это профессия, которая требует постоянного повышения квалификации.  Не беда, если ты чего-то не умеешь или не знаешь. Помни: всегда найдутся люди, которые подскажут, как правильно поступать. Находясь в роддоме, пользуйся ситуацией – осваивай максимум знаний и умений.  

Первые сутки дома

Легко ли стать асом в уходе за малышом? Поймешь это, когда переступишь порог собственной квартиры. Где былые страхи? Ушли. Теперь ты смело берешь ребенка на руки, ловко его переодеваешь, чем, возможно, ввергаешь мужа в легкий шок. Поспеши его успокоить: вскоре он будет управляться с крохой так же мастерски. Пусть попробует прямо сейчас. Не только носик потрогает, но и покачает, уложит в кроватку.

Тебе тоже предстоят новые открытия. Первое купание, первая ночь в новом составе, первая прогулка... Вместе вы справитесь! Не отстраняй мужа от ухода за крохой. Наоборот, всячески поощряй его желание помочь тебе. Так, в папиных руках малыш чувствует себя в воде намного увереннее,  массаж с отцом становится целебным, а зарядка – активной. Чудеса только начинаются!..

Ребенок не любит купаться. Что делать?

Крик, плач, причитания: «не хочу, не буду»... Ежевечерние водные процедуры малыша проходят именно так?
Ну что же, пришло время менять тактику. Превращаем нелюбителя воды в ее обожателя!

1. Нежный
Мыться – это здорово! Именно такой посыл нужен малышу. Об этом говори не только словами, но и... руками. Приятный массажик перед купанием расслабит кроху, даст понять, что мама здесь, никогда не бросит его и всегда будет рядом. Даже в такой, возможно, пока не очень для него приятный момент, как прием ванны.
Итак, начинаем с нежных поглаживаний по спинке, ножкам, ручкам. Твой малыш сам по себе активный? Тогда этого ему достаточно.
Копушам, наоборот, нужно придать бодрости перед заплывом, поэтому добавь легких вибрационных и постукивающих движений.
Массаж длится недолго, всего 5-7 минут. Его цель?  Мама  входит в зону доверия ребенка и дарит ему ощущение радости  от совместного пребывания. Даже в ванной.

2. Мелодичный
Фоном для массажа может стать любимая музыка. Это второй секрет радостного  купания. Выбери несколько мелодий или детских песен.Ритуал, предвосхищающий процедуру, будет состоять из легких поглаживаний и знакомых звуков. Это подготовит ребенка к заплыву, а значит, поход в ванну не станет для него неожиданностью, не испугает.
Попробуй включить диск с шумом океана, журчанием ручья. Расслабляемся...
3. Комфортный
Малыш в хорошем настроении, ему нравится общаться с тобой на уровне телесного контакта, пришло время перемещаться в ванную комнату.
Главное в купании что? Правильно, комфортная температура воды. Если она хоть на один-два градуса отличается в ту или иную сторону, то ожидай от ребенка негативной реакции.
37-38 о С – это оптимально! Но учти, уже через минуту после погружения температура начнет снижаться. Малыш, который просто лежит, начнет замерзать, поэтому или побуждай его двигаться или по чуть-чуть подливай теплой воды.

4. Мыльный, без слез
После погружения малыш зашелся в плаче? Тут же вынимай его из ванны. Но если ты проделала все, что мы советовали ранее, негативной реакции быть не должно.
Итак, карапуз доволен, ведь мама рядом, она спокойна и улыбается – былые страхи ушли! Начинам делать пенку. По чуть-чуть наноси ее на кроху, поглаживай мягкой мочалочкой тельце, затылок, темечко... Ему нравится!
Ополосни его чистой водой из кувшина или душа, головушку  при этом наклони назад, чтобы вода не попала в глаза.
5. Мягкий
После купания обязательно заверни кроху в полотенечко. Купи самое мягкое, которое найдешь. Дело в том, что многие детишки не любят купаться из-за ощущений, связанных с резким выходом из воды. Особенно это касается чувствительных малышей.
Перед купанием можешь повесить полотенце на батарею, чтобы оно нагрелось. Тогда завершение процедуры превратится в еще одно удовольствие, а предвкушение того, что вскоре он окажется в мягком и теплом гнездышке будет сводить на нет маленькие страхи.
6. Теплый
Холодный воздух в комнате также  отбивает у детишек желание купаться. Ведь возвращаться из разогретой ванны в прохладу совсем не хочется... Дабы избежать перепада температур, включи в детской обогреватель.
Устанавливать на полную мощность нет нужды. Достаточно прогреть комнату до 27-28оС. После того, как малыш переоденется и адаптируется, прибор выключаем, чтобы температура опустилась до комфортных 24-25оС.
Включи обогреватель перед тем, как вы будете уходить купаться. Желательно использовать тот, который не сушит воздух.
При покупке учитывай площадь комнаты. Слишком большой может перегревать воздух, недостаточно мощный – не успеет прогреть.

25 reasons to choose the breastfeeding of the child

We do not always appreciate the fact that we are just so... it's time to remember the main in the life of a child, his power, which gives the nature itself.

1. Less diseases of Children, whose mothers breastfeed, get sick less often than искусственники. Because milk contains unique cells that suppress the development of pathogenic microbes and strengthens the immunity.

2. It is easy To organise child feeding a mixture of woman have to spend a lot of effort. Offer chest easier. At any time and in any place! And, most important, upon any request.

Z. The unique composition of breastmilk it is not possible to artificially. Scientists still do not know the answer to all his secrets. While open more than a hundred components, but this is not the limit!

4. A healthy intestine Mother's milk is a friendly power for pediatric gastro-intestinal system. It quickly and easily digested. That's why the little rarely diarrhoea and constipation. Even the butterflies are faster, and in some infants do not appear at all.

5. Of course Nature is truly a stroke of genius! When in this world comes a kid, he from the first seconds of receiving the precious food, which supports him, and gives us the strength to live. Mom's Breasts begin to develop unique in its composition colostrum! No one manufacturer mixture can not repeat it!

6. The rapid retreat of meconium Colostrum helps to ensure that the meconium passes through the intestines of a newborn is easy and safe.

7. Correct bite little fellow breastfed usually do not have problems with the development of maxillofacial system. This cannot boast of sucking on the bottle babies, from which there are frequent cases of incorrect bite.

8. Protection from allergies Negative reaction to the mother's milk is very rare. Allergic to the mixture or some of its components - is quite common. Therefore, it is important to pick up her under the guidance of an experienced paediatrician.

9. Best for premature Babies born prematurely, it is very important to feed the milk of mother. It in its composition is ideal for such sickly children, it retains the unique properties of colostrum during the month.

10. Reduction of the risk of cancer of the Children who breastfeed even up to one month, 24% less likely suffered from leukemia compared with infants on artificial feeding. Breastfeeding up to 6 months reduces risk of disease by 30%.

11. Without anemia Cow's milk irritated intestines, due to which the absorbability of iron decreases
in the times. Breastfeeding is not only rich in iron, but also contributes to the assimilation of other products.

12. A solid immunity with breastfeeding, the immune system of the crumbs is formed in the right pace. About 80% of the cells of human milk are macrophage cells, which kill bacteria, fungus and viruses.

13. Always ready! Breastmilk don't need to cook, heat, follow the dosage and time of feeding. It is always ideal temperature and consumes little " in the volume, which at the moment he needed. My mother did not have to worry about anything.

14. Absolutely free of charge! The family, which she feeds the baby's chest, considerably saves budget. The power does not need to buy, it is given the nature. No extra costs!
For comparison: the feeding of the child-искусственника in the first month of it is spent about UAH 500. Besides a mixture is time to buy a few bottles and breast, a brush for washing it, dummy, breastplates, the heater power...

15. «No» terrible disease Scientists call a number of ailments, the emergence or development which prevents breastfeeding: ulcerative colitis, osteoporosis, a disease Ходжкинса, bacterial meningitis and other.

16. Higher IQ is Considered, that in babies whose mothers breastfeed, the mental capacity of several of the above. The secret is that the components of human milk contribute to the active development of the brain.

17. The right set of weight breastfeeding contributes to the fact that the child is gaining optimal weight. Growth rate of more smooth than in the feeding of the child mixture.

18. My mother lose weight it is Proved that breastfeeding requires extra 500 calories. Much more of a chance to return to doberemennomu weight in a short time it was among those women who fed with the crumbs chest.

19. More time a Breastfeeding mother has at its disposal additional time. She didn't need to spend precious minutes on the preparation of a mixture, watch the clock, to feed the crumbs in time, and wash bottles, Breasts, dummy.
You have the opportunity to be engaged in the house, cook the husband, but the most important thing is to care not only for their loved ones, but also for you!

20. Effective reduction of the uterus If the baby after the birth of a right attached to the mother's breast, the postpartum uterine contractions will pass faster and more actively, which reduces the risk of bleeding.

21. Healthy breast Маммологи and gynecologists persuading women to preserve and to maintain lactation. Studies have shown that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer by two-thirds!

22. Natural contraception breastfeeding is a good way to not get pregnant, because in this case, ovulation occurs later than the women, whose children eat mixture.

23. Vaccination on «excellent» Is, груднички easier to carry vaccination, if the mothers feed their chest. The protective forces of the milk to help the little body to postpone this procedure without consequences.

24. Recommend to all of the Different health organization promote breastfeeding. These include the who and UNICEF. They actively support the Ministry of health of Ukraine.

25. Emotional connection When the mother is feeding her baby's chest, it is not only the transfer of power, but also emotions, feelings, magic energy, which enriches the relationship of the two of the most loved people in the world: the mother and her child.

Feed the crumbs!

5 questions about mixed feeding

According to statistics, only 5% of the mothers suffer гипогалактией (illness, in which produced very little milk) and really can't fully satisfy the needs of the infants in the diet. Overwhelming majority of women on all indicators of the hormonal system must have adequate for the newborn child quantity of milk... But it is a theory. In practice, unfortunately, it happens differently.

1. When you feeding?

Sometimes to the mixture have already in the first days after the birth of the crumbs. This need is justified in the following situations:

rhesus-conflict (with complications);
the birth of the twins;
delivery with great loss of blood;
a cesarean section;
pathological delivery;
early rapid delivery.
During the stay in the maternity hospital of serious problems with lactation has not been observed? Well, we are sincerely happy for you! Just be sure to ask a specialist, as further support breastfeeding (the main thing - not to worry, eat well, rest). Your milk for the crumbs indispensable.

The mixture is injected, if my mother was in the hospital, she had a deep anemia, aggravation of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, fever or breast abscess.

2. What have we for lunch?

Before buying a mixture, you should consult with the doctor. Think, this rule applies only to children, which are fully in artificial feeding? It is not so! It refers to the situation with докормом. Do not act on their own discretion, and turn to the pediatrician, which oversees the crumbs with the birth and knows about all your problems.

Little prone to allergies? The doctor will advise you hypoallergenic diet. Thanks to расщепленному squirrel such a mixture is well absorbed, does not cause problems with digestion. And its specific, slightly bitter taste of the later will make the child are much more likely to make a choice in favor of a sweet baby milk.

Mom took antibacterial drugs? If the boy started having problems with the digestive tract, you need to use mixture with probiotics. Kroha well? Suitable standard power, which corresponds to its age.

3. From the chest to refuse?

If you're really going to feed the crumbs chest, it is worth to take care that the baby from her not refused. For this it is very important to introduce supplementary feeding. In no case do not let the mixture of Breasts! Only with a spoon (or a pipette)! But in order to satisfy сосательного reflex, as it will be possible, try to add крохотулю to the chest often.

4. Whether or not to give water?

According to nutritionists, child, which is located in a mixed feeding (is and infant milk, and adapted mixture), as well as грудничок, absolutely no need for additional drink. After all, in such a situation, he receives a relatively small volume of the mixture. Only in special cases (the baby is sick, he has high temperature, the heat in the street, baby sweats, constantly naughty) can be offered water - boiled, bottled child.

The volume of the portion of the liquid is strictly individual, but in the first four months of life rarely exceed 100-150 ml of water per day.

5. Milk is not lost?

With the introduction of the wrong mix - with the help of the Breasts and bottles - there is a risk that pipsqueak completely refuses the breast, lactation, unfortunately, will stop. This happens with many... Why? Yes, because easier «to secure a livelihood», press sponges on silicon, rubber Mat, thanks to which, immediately opens the hole in the соске, where flowing liquid. Much more difficult to achieve such a result in the mother's breast, while the milk will pass through the ducts, have pretty work. Here and lazy our kids, try a more easy way. With mixed feeding do so, if neither the Breasts, or a bottle does not exist! Then tot will be eagerly waiting when you make it to the chest. And to milk not lost and came and came, and follow our advice.

Increase the frequency latch. Remember: the demand gives rise to the offer! The more milk the baby sucked, the more it will arrive.
In order to increase the production of milk, try to eat right and drink plenty of fluids.
Twice a day take a contrast shower. It promotes active development of milk in the breast.
It seems that jelly is practically no? Still feed the child first chest and only then mixture, but in any case not on the contrary!
When you have no possibility to put the crumbs to the chest, сцеживай milk. To ease the task, use the mechanical or electrical a pump. Current models do not cause pain.
- Carry the baby in her arms. When he does and even cries, your body responds: the Breasts swell up, jelly begins to arrive.
Keep quiet, peaceful state. Believe that you will breastfeed her child. And know: communicate! Don't even think about any difficulties! In pursuance of these recommendations, gradually you'll be able to establish a full-fledged breastfeeding and to refuse from the mixture.
On materials of magazine "baby Food" №3

Develop a child's memory from the first days of

It is known that the young ducks and chickens, while in the egg, they hear and remember the voice of my mother-mother hen. After birth, they accurately distinguish it from the other person's квохтанья. Yes that birds! American conductor Boris Broth, getting acquainted with some of the pieces are already knew from the violin part. It turned out that they learned, being pregnant, his mother!

The child really remember all that I have heard before birth? No, not all, but only that meets certain conditions. From them also depend on the peculiarities of memory.

Memoirs of an ovum

Scientists put your experiment: half of the drop of water, where swarmed with infusoria, lit, and then let the current. Single-celled fled to shadow the safe side drops. After some time infusoria began to run away into the shadows, as soon as a drop of a lit up, not waiting for a shock! Have organisms that do not have a brain, you can develop a conditioned reflex? Sensation! In fact it was not quite the memory, and how it might workpiece. The infusoria, staying in a state of stress due to electric shock, extremely aggravated sensitivity. And they began to avoid even the slightest irritation, including light.

What does this have to do with your toddler? The most direct! After all, he had consisted of only a few cells. And reacted to the adverse conditions of increased sensitivity.

What was the beginning of the pregnancy? The problem? Is it then surprising excessive irritability crumbs? Not перевоспитывайте, don't scold, and create a relaxed environment and stable conditions!

The habits of the embryo

Researchers from the Netherlands seated 93 pregnant women in terms of 30-38 weeks in a comfortable chair and gave each of the stomach vibroacoustic signals. The kids respond to stimulus movements. After several repeated signals they ceased to respond to them. Getting used to. And the habit - this is the simplest form of this memory. And this habit continued and 10 minutes later. This is an example of short-term memory. And what about the long-term? The experiment was repeated after a month. The crumbs which were subjected to the annoyance of vibroacoustic signals at 36-38 weeks of fetal life, almost did not react to signals a month later!

Therefore, they are capable of and to long-term memory!

If a pregnant woman goes to bed at one and the same time, despite a TV and the keepers of the household, and pipsqueak after birth will be able to fall asleep, not demanding special conditions! As you can to teach the baby to the taste of garlic, onions and spices, using them during the gestation period.

We are somewhere met?

Habit is a procedural view of memory. We all know how to cook a soup or turn on the television, but hardly remember who and under what circumstances taught us this. And that's when the episodic memory? The one that keeps the memories of the trip with his father in the circus, on the celebration of the day of birth?

In 6 weeks the fetus is laid the hippocampus area of the brain, without which there can accumulate long-term memories. But she still immature.

In the third trimester of pregnancy and in the first year of life memory holds a memory without further reinforcements only a few days (in the second year of " a few weeks, on the third - up to several months to four years of memory stores information about a year, and to seven years - about three). However, if you напоете lullaby crumbs for two days before the birth, he did not know her, when born. To the memory stuck, you need to sing a song three months in a row. That is why the American conductor remembered party violins: my mother is a musician hear them for long. Therefore, a baby begins to get to know people and look for missing the usual only after 3-4 months after birth. But the more you deal with it, showing one and the same (toys, household items) and accompanied by one and the same sounds or words, the more links will be formed in the brain of the son or daughter and the stronger will be its memory.

Want to baby after birth recognize the melody, a story or a poem? Begin to acquaint with them not earlier than six weeks and no later than the start of the third trimester. Pause between repetitions should not exceed a few days! And do not be offended, if crumb not recognize you after a week of travel. You're a good parent, just these are the characteristics of the memory of the baby.

Leo Tolstoy and amnesia

Don't worry if childhood crumbs was not in the Palace, and your family has not been exemplary-indicative. Virtually none of this kid doesn't remember because of the so-called children's amnesia. The hippocampus still so imperfect that his work is similar to the elaboration of the canvas, on which after 4-6 years will form the patterns of episodes from the life, songs and poems, the rules of grammar and multiplication tables.

The main thing now - education the maximum number of neural connections with the help develop habits and conditional reflexes. For example, when the words «as long as» teach полугодовалого baby swing handle, «clap-clap» - clap, «tuk-tuk» - pounding spoon on the table or rattle on the side of the bed. These skills will not be useful in adult life, but will make the brain more Mature. And on the basis of the generated links will be able to consolidate all of the information, which will be perceived in the future.

However, there are cases, when a person remembers something that happened to him in 2-3 years of age. Usually it's something much hurt emotionally: scared, surprised, delighted. And Leo Tolstoy remembered himself to one year. This phenomenon is explained by the same, and that his gift of a writer, and the amazing memory for details. He perceived all that was happening to him, much more acute and emotional than most people.

Want to give their son or daughter of an encyclopedic knowledge in the cradle? To teach how to read and count before you go? Apply all the material unusual, putting different feelings in intonation and facial expression! Otherwise it will be forgotten in 4-6 years. Although memory in General all the same will be strengthened.

When submitting the same information is stored, that was the last, and the first one is erased. Connect the crumbs with the world is very diverse!